TOY Pharmacy

TOY Pharmacy


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A Toy Scenario

A parent needs to run errands at the Rob's hardware store, the UPS store, and Fine Wine and Good Spirits in the shopping center with a community pharmacy. The parent drops off the child at the pharmacy's TOY center. The child is paired up with an elder who is also at the TOY center. The elder requests that the child helps the elder while doing a little shopping for 30 minutes. After shopping, snacks are provided by the TOY project cafe in pharmacy and the child and elder can color, read, or do a puzzle until the parent is finished with errands.

My Toy Explanation

Older people frequent pharmacies to obtain their prescription medication. While there, they also pick up necessities such as paper towels, dental supplies, cards, candies, and snacks. One pharmacy also has a coffee counter where one can help themselves to breakfast and coffee or tea.

Pharmacies are often located inside grocery stores or are individual stores in shopping centers, where it is convenient for parents to drop off their children while they run errands. The children should be between the ages of 8 and 14 so they have adequate motor function to assist the older grandparents.

In grocery stores or independent pharmacies, there are children-sized shopping carts for the children to help their paired-up grandparents with their shopping. Because the grandparents may have issues with grabbing items on the top or bottom shelves, the children can help the grandparents get what they need. The children can learn about what different items are while keeping them engaged and active. At the end of the trip, the grandparents can rest in the coffee or tea shop and can have a small snack with the child and keep the child engaged with different activities like a book or puzzle.


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